Pööningul on villatatud. Käib vilgas teise korruse soojustamine...mis alati ei ole nii vilgas, sest vahepeal oli ilusa ilmaga palju toredam õunapuid lõikuda.
Tuli välja, et pärast kolm päeva okse lõikumist ja põletamist tekkis hoovi valgus.
Mingi hetk viisin sodi ära. Otse Jõelähtmele. Prügila nägi seekord välja nagu miski õudusfilm tuul, tolm, karjuvad linnuparved, mingid traktorid. Igatahes 400kg sodi läks sinna, kus sellega midagi asjaliku tehakse.
Tehtud on ka majja üks soe ja puhas tuba, kus saab magada. Hommikul tuleb lihtsalt vapper olla, et pliidi alla tuli teha.
Aknad on tellitud. Teisele korrusel tegin uue akna ava ka (ärge nüüd erutuge selle fasaadi peale. See on nii ajutine, et linnud tuppa ei lendaks. Peale akende paigaldust tuleb uus).
Lot of work has been done in and around the house. Attic is warm, insulating second floor is in progress. Apple trees have been mostly cut shorter. In result we have a little light in our yard.
I took out the trash. Straight to the dumping ground, where something useful can happen to it.
The dumping ground looked like a horror movie: birds screaming, dust, tractors etc. 400kg in total was my load.
Ordered new windows for the house. Don't get upset how the house now looks. It is purly because birds would not fly in the house. After installing the windows we will renew it.
One clean and warm room is in the house. You just have to be brave in the morning (when it 8 degrees, yes inside the house) to make fire in the stove.