Thursday, March 26, 2015


Läksin üle nädalase pausi järel sadamasse õndsas usus, et nüüd saab põhja puhastada.
Aga ilm oli puhas arktika, nii kobisin tuppa.
Või noh toa äärele. Võtsin maha luugi (siin on luugi pilt).
Praeguse luugi tihend on kutu ja klaas on paigaldatud silikooni moodi ollusega.
Kuna see kupatus pole ka veekindel (olnud pikemat aega ), siis on ka kahjustada saanud põrandal oleva vineer. Sellest kunagi hiljem.
Esimene mõte oli luuk koos raamiga maha võtta. See ei õnnestunud, sest raam oli kõvasti kinni paadi küljes.
Kruviaugud lasin liimi täis ja panin kruvid tagasi (ja seekord pühkisin liimijäägid ära...ja enda peale).
Luugiklaas/Glass on the hatch
Poolest kerest luugist väljas olles (ja mine hulluks kui külma tuule käes) lõpuks õnnestus luuk kätte saada.

Ja siis tegin ajutise luugi päästevesti kotist.

Raam uuesti kinni/Frame rescrewed/resealed
Uus luuk seest/Hatch from inside

Ajutine luuk/temporary cover
Luuk tuli lahti/Unscrewed the hatch

After a pause for a week I went to the harbour to clean the bottom of the boat from the old paint.
The weather was just toooo cold for working outside.
I did some smaller things inside the boat. And then thought I will be brave and remove the hatch.
The hatch is in bad condition. The sealing is worn out and glass is fixed with silicone. It is not waterproof (for a longer time already) and has caused some damage to floor cover inside the boat.
I will talk later about it.
First plan was to remove the hatch with the frame but it was not possible. The frame was well glued to the boat. I filled the screw holes with glue and reinstalled them.
Finally got the hatch free and built a temporary cover from a bag.

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