Susumud said suhkrulobi ja ka hambu.
Peale vurritamist andsin mesised asjad mesilastele puhastada, aga need krdi hipid jäid ju jälle õhtul õue. Tõmbasin teki peale, kadusid ei tekkinud hommikuks.
Siis läksin sauna ära ja oligi nädalavahetus otsas.
Took myself together and built some walls in one room. Pretty cool stuff. Made it myself.
Bees got their winter sugar. After extracing the last patch of honey the bees got cleaning the equipment job.
Hippies staied out late and were not able to fly back that night. Pulled over the blanket and no losses were in the morning. Then went to sauna and the weekend was over.
Halo |
Lillenuusutajad / flower smellers |
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