Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Akukaablid/Battery cables

Said valmis uued akukaablid. Neid teeb Renovaar ( Panin kiiruga paika, et kontrollida, kas kõik jupid said tellitud. Tundus, et sai isegi. Sinised akud on tarbimiseks ja must aku on mootorile. Neid saab erinevates kombinatsioonides üksteisele toeks lülitada.
Kui mootori aku on tühi, siis saab tarbimisakud ka sinna lülitada. Sellks on see punane lüliti.
Lisaks on veel päikesepaneeli kontroller (ebay). Üsna kaval loom, saad ise määrata, millise pinge pealt tarbijad tagant ära lülitatakse jne.
Ainuke puudus, et taustavalgust pole. Muus osas tõestanud lahendus haagise peal.

Battery cables arrived. Made a quick mock-up to check if I had orderd everything. Seems like it. Batteries can be switched over to support each other (the red switch). I can support the engine battery with household batteries If the engnine battery is empty. If the engine is working then relay will connect household battery to charge also.
Additionally is the solar panel (with the controller). Proven solution on the caravan.

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