Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lõpetamata asjad / unfinished things

Olid mõned vanad asjad, mis said edasi tehtud.

Tabureti, millest oli siin juttu. Tegin nüüd edasi ja jalad on liimitud. Ootab lihvmist.

Järgmiseks tegin ühe kasti lõpuni. Selle. Liimisin kokku, relaka otsas oli traathari, nii et sai lihvitud. Jaa see tekitab mõnusad vibratsiooni häired.  Vabandust, aga pilt on udune. Ju siis käed värisesid, sest järgmiseks tuli ette võtta ühe vana puust kirstu remont (mitte enda oma, aga see kus vili vms saadused käisid vanasti).
Koosnes see kirst detailidest, millest 90% on ühte või teistmoodi vigastatud, mädanendu, kahjustatud. See ei ole kindlasti restaureerimine või taastamine. See on remont ja sarnase tüki kokkupanek (ja palun vabandust padukirsturemontijate ees).
Õhtu lõpuks oli umbes pooled tükid saanud omale liimi ja peotäie punne tugevduseks.
Kõige suurem mure on küljepostid, need on 150x70mm ristlõikega. Hetkel laos ei paistnud varusid.
Aja jooksul on "remonditud suurte naelte, lisalaudadega. Keegi on kirstu kaanel kirvega raiunud ka lisaks.

Some older things got finished now. A little seat that is made of tree trunk is now glued and waiting for last finish.

Next I finished a box that had stood its time for about one year. Wire brush was fixed to the grinder so some grinding took place. Yeeees this is a nasty job because there is lot of vibration involved.
Pictures are a little foggy. Probably because I was nervous about the following job.
I started to fix a chest (not coffin but chest, where in the old days clothes or some goods were held in).
The chest was in peaces and 90% was damaged, rotten or broken. This is not restauration. This is fixing and attempting to build something similar (and sorry authentic history fans).
By the end of day one most of parts had new wood glued in. The biggest problem will be the corner post. These are 150x70mm square posts. I could not find them in my stock.
During past times the repairs have been done with big nails, adding blanks of wood etc. Someone has used axe on the cover of the chest.

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