Pukseerisime sõpradega ta koju ja hakkasin harutama. Kütus on, elekter ka, säde on.
Võtsin maha rihma katte ja vastu vaatas selline asi. Audi 80 on pommikindel auto ja pärast uue rihma installi töötas jälle. Selle töö tegemiseks tuleb pool autot ära lammutada, aga konti ei murra.
First of all daily driver made böööö on the road and stoped working. We towed it home with friends and started investigating. We had fuel, electricity and spark. Removed the timing belt cover and that was what I saw. Audi 80 is pomb proof car. After installing new timing belt the car is working fine. For the job you must brake half the car.
Üks hommik sadas koledasti ja kössitasin toas. Nokksisin paadis purjeid. Purjedel on tagumises ja alumises servas (termin peaks olema "liik") nöörike, et vajadusel purje servakest natuke pingulemale saada. Need nöörikesed peaksid siis läbi augukese välja tulema, aga paraku minu purjedel see enam nii ei olnud. Tuli kasutada erinevaid võtteid. Ja tõesti 10cm enne lõppu läks nõel pooleks. Küll see tõstis alles tuju. Aga jagu ma neist sain. Hetkel on stopperid ajutised. Kesklaos käivad läbirääkimised korralike stopperite saamiseks.
One day was rainy and I stayed inside. Made some smaller fixes for the sails. Sails have for additional trim little ropes on the back and undersides (now idea how you call it in english).
They usually come out of holes and you can trim your sails so they would not flat in the wind. My sails had them broken and gone. Had to make special tools to get the lines through. And yes 10 cm before the end needle broke. Motivatinal burst was noticed. Never the less I managed to fix them with temporary stoppers. There are negotiations to get proper ones.
Nõel purjekuhjas /needle in a sailstack |
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